Parabaas Archives: English Articles

Contributor list (alphabetically by first name)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

(Click here for Bengali (and one Hindi) authors who have been translated into English--under construction)

পরবাসের সূচি: বাংলা লেখা, গান ও ছবির জন্য এইখানে ক্লিক করুন)


Abhijit Sen
Western Influences on Satyajit Ray (SR--2/2005; Essay)
Click here for Abhijit's other articles in Parabaas.

Alfonso Chacon R.
The Forgotten Stone: On Rabindranath Tagore and Latin America (PB-16; Essay)

Alokeranjan Dasgupta
My Tagore (RT--7/2001; Essay)
Seven Poems—by by Alokeranjan Dasgupta (T--5/2004; Translation; Poetry)
Exile —translated from original Bengali (T--12/2012; Poem)
Click here for Alokeranjan's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Amitabha Sen
The Legacy of Mr. Carr, A Gift for the Gifted (PB-14; Essay)
Click here for Amitabha's other articles in Parabaas.

Amiya Dev
Tagore’s Sense of Wonder in Indonesia: Rereading his Letters from a Traveller to Java (RT--5/2015; Essay)

Ana Jelnikar
Let him speak in his own voice Three books by Uma Das Gupta (RT--5/2007; Bookreview)
Rabindranath Tagore and Srečko Kosovel: A Joint Perspective in a Disjointed World (RT--10/2010; Essay)

Anandamayee Majumdar
A Review: Maitreyi Devi's 'Tagore by Fireside' (RT--5/2009; Bookreview)
Madhobi, the young spring flower—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Translation; Song)
My heart is secured —by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Translation; Song)

Anandarup Ray
Rabindranath Tagore and His Contemporary Relevance (with Uma Dasgupta)(RT--8/2009; Essay)
Remembering Lila Ray: How a daughter of Texas pioneers found freedom in Santiniketan (T--1/2016; Essay)

Anirban Dasgupta
Rabindra-Sangeet as a Resource for Indian Classical Bandishes (RT--7/2001; Essay)

Anu Kumar
The Owl's Gaze—Everyday life in early Calcutta (T--7/2010; Bookreview)
'Once when I was a woman!' (T--11/2011; Bookreview)
Beloved story teller of magic worlds: Three novellas of Lila Majumdar (T--11/2011; Bookreview)
Lila Majumdar: A Granddaughter Remembers (T--11/2011; Interview)

Arunava Sinha
Swapan Is Dead, Long Live Swapan—by Udayan Ghosh (T--7/2012; Short Story)
Click here for Arunava's Bengali articles in Parabaas.

Arunima Ray
Understanding Jibanananda’s Different Poetic Sensibility (JD--11/2012; Essay)

Atreyee Gupta
Befriending the Wild Elephant—by Samaresh Basu (T--12/2005; Short Story)


Barnali Saha
The Indigo Terror —by Satyajit Ray (T--3/2010; Short Story)
Gupi Gyne Bagha Byne —by Upendrakishore Raychaudhury (T--10/2012; Short Story)
Hullabaloo in Gosaipur —by Satyajit Ray (T--7/2013; Novella)
The Climbing Spinach Trellist—story by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--2/2015; Short Story)

Bashabi Fraser
Hunger (*) —by Kabita Singha (T--7/2002; Short Story)

Bhaswati Ghosh
Freedom in Tagore's Plays (RT--5/2011; Essay)
New Doll —by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--5/2011; Short Story)
Inside the World of Tagore's Music(RT--8/2011; Bookreview)
At Ramkinkar’s House with Shakti —by Samir Sengupta (SC--2/2012; Essay)
Shakti's Singing —by Samir Sengupta (SC--4/2013; Essay)
Who is Abani, at whose house, and why is he even there? —by Samir Sengupta (SC--8/2017; Essay)
Thirty-eight years with Shakti —by Samir Sengupta (SC--11/2020; Essay)

Bhismadev Chakrabarti
Just this one —by Sankha Ghosh (T--10/2011; Poem)
Exile —by Alokeranjan Dasgupta (T--12/2012; Poem)
Inflammable —by Joy Goswami (T--12/2012; Poem)
postman in the autumn woods —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--6/2014; Poem)
poem 15 from Chhinno-bichchhinno —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--6/2014; Poem)
Asad's shirt —by Shamsur Rahman (T--11/2020; Poem)
Three horses —by Shamsur Rahman (T--11/2020; Poem)

Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay
Ignoredtranslated from original Bengali (T--06/2014;Short Story)
The Holiday Triptranslated from original Bengali (T--06/2014;Short Story)
The Atheisttranslated from original Bengali (T--02/2015;Short Story)
The Climbing Spinach Trellistranslated from original Bengali(T--02/2015;Short Story)
Moni Doctortranslated from original Bengali (T--02/2015;Short Story)
Einstein and Indubalatranslated from original Bengali(T--10/2015;Short Story)
Nehru and Godtranslated from original Bengali(T--01/2016;Short Story)
Ichhamotitranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2017 - ;Novel)
The Suitcase Switchtranslated from original Bengali(T--01/2016;Short Story)

Brian Hatcher
Aji hote satabarsha pare: What Tagore Says to us a Century Later (RT--7/2001; Essay)

Buddhadeva Bose
The Leaves Fall (*)—by Buddhadeva Bose (BB--5/2004; Drama)
The Last Days of Rabindranath-- Record of a visit to Santiniketan (*)—by Buddhadeva Bose (BB--6/2004; Memoir)
To remember is to live again (*) (BB--6/2004; Memoir)
Bengali Gastronomy (*)—by Buddhadeva Bose (BB--10/2005; Essay)
The Hermit and the Courtesan (The Second Act)—by Buddhadeva Bose (BB--9/2006; Drama)


Carol Salomon
I have not seen her even once...—Song of Lalon Phokir (T--12/2007; Poem)
Who wants to go to the other shore?...—Song of Lalon Phokir (T--12/2007; Poem)
This time search your own house...—Song of Lalon Phokir (T--4/2011; Poem)
When will I be united with the Man of my Heart?—Song of Lalon Phokir (T--4/2011; Poem)

Carolyn Brown
Kirtinasha—Poems of Mohammad Rafiq (T--8/2005; Poem)
Maybe a Love Poem—Poems of Mohammad Rafiq (T--1/2016; Poem)
Outcry—Poems of Mohammad Rafiq (T--1/2016; Poem)
Cry Bangladesh, Cry—Poems of Mohammad Rafiq (T--1/2016; Poem)
A Few Sentences on Translating Tagore’s “Shasti” (A Translator’s Punishment) (RT--5/2016; Essay)
Sentence—by Rabindranath Tagore (T--5/2016; Short Story)

Chhanda Chakraborti
Buro Angla and Nils: A tale of transmigration of stories (T--11/2011; Essay)

Chhanda Chattopadhyay Bewtra
Salty—story by Tilottama Majumdar (T--7/2012; Short Story)
Imperfect—story by Tilottama Majumdar (T--7/2012; Short Story)
The Coldrom—story by Abhijit Sen (T--3/2013; Short Story)
Diagram of a man—story by Abhijit Sen (T--8/2013; Short Story)
The Deceiver—story by Abhijit Sen (T--8/2013; Short Story)
Forest Goddess and Five Pigeons —Complete Novel by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay (T--1/2014-9/2014; Novel)
Ignored—story by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--6/2014; Short Story)
The holiday trip—story by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--6/2014; Short Story)
The Atheist—story by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--2/2015; Short Story)
Oh Dear, Dad!—story by Nabaneeta Dev Sen (T--4/2015; Short Story)
That Terrible Midnight—story by Nabaneeta Dev Sen (T--5/2015; Short Story)
Mr. Young's Car—story by Nabaneeta Dev Sen (T--5/2015; Short Story)
When Bholu Became King —Complete Novel for Childrens by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay (T--7/2015 - 10/2015 ; Young Adults' Novel)
Chats—story by Pracheta Gupta (T--11/2015; Short Story)
The Pink Shirt—story by Pracheta Gupta (T--11/2015; Short Story)
Sati's Remains —Complete Novel by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay (T--1/2016 - 12/2016; Novel)
In Praise of Annada, (Annadamangal) Vol. 1: A Book Review (T--02/2017; book review)
Ichhamoti —Complete Novel by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--5/2017 - 1/2020; Novel)
Excerpts from Looking for an Address by Nabaneeta Dev Sentranslated from original Bengali (T--01/2019; Book Excerpt)
Twelve Novels by Rabindranath Tagore— Essay by Sunil Gangopadhyay (RT--08/2020; book review)
Click here for Chhanda's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Clinton Seely
Translating Between Media: Rabindranath Tagore and Satyajit Ray (RT--7/2001; Essay)
Reliving through Letters: A bit of time again with Buddhadeva Bose (*) (BB--6/2004; Essay)
The Scent of Sunlight Poems by Jibanananda Das (JD--12/2011; Book length translations being serialized)
Atmavilap or Lament of Myself (T--1/2021; Essay)
Click here for Clinton's Bengali writings in Parabaas.


Damayanti Basu Singh
Sudhindranath: the Person I Knew (T--5/2001; Memoir)
Click here for Damayanti's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Debashish Raychaudhuri
Tagore’s play RAJA for Global Audience (RT--5/2016; Essay)

Dipali Chakraborti
I —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--2/2004; Poem)
Click here for Dipali's Bengali writings in Parabaas.


Faizul Latif Chowdhury
Temporality in the Poetry of Jibanananda Das (T--9/2009; Essay)

Fatima Husain
A Chronicle of Discrimination (T--8/2003; Bookreview)


Gopa Majumdar
Birinchi Baba —by "Parashuram" (T--6/2002; Short Story)
Kochi Sansad [Club for Tender Spirits]—by "Parashuram" (T--10/2003; Short Story)
Click here for Gopa's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Gouri Datta
We Will Meet Again —by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay (T--12/2016; Short Story)
Click here for Gouri's Bengali writings in Parabaas.


Hafiza Nilofar Khan
In Retrospect —by Selina Hossain (T--6/2007; Short Story)

Haimanti Dorai
A Wild Flower —by Selina Hossain (T--2/2017; Short Story)

Hannele Pohjanmies
In Phalgun, One Night (Rabindranath Tagore in Finland) (RT--5/2008; Essay)

Hanne-Ruth Thompson
Bathroom— by Buddhadeva Bose (BB--1/2009; Essay)


Imre Bangha
Rabindranath Tagore and Hungarian Politics(RT--9/2008; Essay)

Indira Chowdhury
The First Promise —by Ashapurna Debi (T--3/2007; Book extract)
Translation as Recognition (T--3/2007; Essay)

Indrani Chakrabarti
A People's Poet or a Literary Deity (RT--7/2001; Essay)
The Wicked Tiger—by Upendrakishore Raychaudhuri (T--3/2006; Short Story)
Toontooni and the Naughty Cat —by Upendrakishore Raychaudhuri (T--3/2006; Short Story)
The Bait—by Narayan Gangopadhyay (T--2/2007; Short Story)
Pragjyotish (Before the stars could foretell) —by Saradindu Bandyopadhyay (T--1/2011; Short Story)

Indranil Dasgupta
The Trip to Heaven—by Sunil Gangopadhyay (T--5/2001; Short Story)
Click here for Indranil's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Ira Pande
That little drop of dew!—by "Shivani"
(Translated from original Hindi) (SR--3/2010; Memoir)


Jyoti Prakash Datta
Selections from Santiniketan—by Rabindranath Tagore (T--4/2004; Essay)


Kalyan Kundu
Mussolini and Tagore (T--5/2009; Essay)

Kathleen M. O'Connell
Red Oleanders (Raktakarabi) by Rabindranath Tagore: A New Translation and Adaptation (T--12/2008; Bookreview)
Utsav-Celebration: Tagore’s Approach to Cultivating the Human Spirit and the Study of Religion (T--9/2009; Essay)

Ketaki Kushari Dyson
Biographical Sketch of Buddhadeva Bose (T--2/2001; Essay)
Two poems from Bandir Bandana—by Buddhadeva Bose (T--2/2001; poems)
On the Trail of Rabindranath Tagore and Victoria Ocampo (RT--7/2001; Essay)
Rabindranath Tagore and his World of Colours (RT--7/2001; Essay)
The Year 1400—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--7/2001; Poem)
On the Wings of Hummingbirds, Rabindranath Tagore’s Little Poems: An Invitation to a Review-cum-Workshop (RT--1/2002; Essay)
Dialogue Between Karna and Kunti—by Rabindranath Tagore (T--9/2002; Poem)
How hard should we try? – Questions of detail in literary translation(T--7/2003; Book review cum workshop)
A Tremendous Comet : Michael Madhusudan Dutt(T--1/2004; Book review)
Anandamath, or The Sacred Brotherhood: A Book Review(T--12/2005; Book review)
An Extract from Noton Noton Pairaguli—by Ketaki Kushari Dyson(T--9/2006; Novel)
Making Connections: Hungry Hungarians meet Bengal Tigers (T--9/2008; Bookreview)
Remembering Buddhadeva Bose, ‘The Compleat Writer’ (BB--5/2009; Essay)
Translation: the magical bridge between cultures (T--8/2009; Essay)
Rumbling Empires and Men Speaking to Storms (T--4/2012; Bookreview)
Talking Between Disciplines: Could We Please Have A Better Conversation? (T--9/2012; Bookreview)
A Scrapbook of Memories and Reflections (T--5/2017 - ; Memoir)
Click here for Ketaki's Bengali writings in Parabaas.


Liesbeth Meyer
Tagore in The Netherlands (T--7/2004; Essay)


Mandar Mitra
Biographical Sketch of Parashuram (Rajsekhar Basu) (T--6/2002; Essay)
Click here for Mandar's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Martin Kämpchen
Rabindranath Tagore in Germany (RT--7/2003; Essay)
Home and Abroad (RT--12/2003; Essay)

Masrufa Ayesha Nusrat
The Annihilation—by Anwara Syed Haq (T--4/2011; Short Story)

Yogayog (Nexus) by Rabindranath Tagore: A Book Review (RT--7/2003; Essay)


Nabaneeta Dev Sen
Crisis in Civilization, and a Poet’s Alternatives: Education as one alternative weapon (RT--5/2007; Essay)
Oh Dear, Dad!translated from original Bengali (T--4/2015; Short Story)
That Terrible Midnighttranslated from original Bengali (T--5/2015; Short Story)
Mr. Young's Cartranslated from original Bengali (T--5/2015; Short Story)
Excerpts from Looking for an Addresstranslated from original Bengali (T--01/2019; Book Excerpt)
Click here for Nabaneeta's Bengali writings in Parabaas, and on writings on Nabaneeta Dev Sen.

Naina Dey
The murderous night advances—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Poem)
Many had come in the first dawn of life—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Poem)

Nandan Datta
Tagore's Unfinished Experiment—by Nandan Datta (RT--9/2019; Essay)
Click here for Nandan's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Nandini Gupta
Now The Battle is Against The World—by Buddhadeva Bose (T--2/2001; Poem)
The Moment of Creation—by Buddhadeva Bose (T--2/2001; Poem)
Rain and Wind—by Buddhadeva Bose (T--2/2001; Poem)
To a Dead Woman—by Buddhadeva Bose (T--2/2001; Poem)
The Storm of Desire—by Sankha Ghosh (T--5/2001; Poem)
Fool—by Sankha Ghosh (T--5/2001; Poem)
Four Poems from Panjore DanRer Shabda ('Oars in My Ribs')—by Sankha Ghosh (T--5/2001; Poem)
White Tombstones—by Sankha Ghosh (T--5/2001; Poem)
At the Bend—by Sankha Ghosh (T--5/2001; Poem)
This Hand Has Touched—by Sunil Gangopadhyay (T--5/2002; Poem)
Easy—by Sunil Gangopadhyay (T--5/2002; Poem)
Land—by Sunil Kumar Nandi (T--5/2002; Poem)
A Strange Farce—by Sunil Kumar Nandi (T--5/2002; Poem)
No—by Sunil Kumar Nandi (T--5/2002; Poem)
Grateful—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--12/2003; Poem)
Rain-drenched winds in my sleep —by Joy Goswami (T--10/2005; Poem)
The Land Where I Found It All—by Buddhadeva Bose (BB--6/2004-1/2011; Complete Memoir)
The Cornet—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Poem)
Open the doors —by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Poem)
Alone—by Sankha Ghosh (T--10/2011; Poem)
Chandrabati's Ramayan (translated by Nabaneeta Dev Sen) : A Book Review (T--03/2020; Book Review)
No time for cheer, not a happy time this —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--7/2020; Poem)
Come cyclone—by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--7/2020; Poem)
Come and be with him —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--7/2020; Poem)
Sorrowing for leaves —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--11/2020; Poem)
I could go. But why would I? —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--11/2020; Poem)
Slowly, steadily —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--11/2020; Poem)
Say, you love —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--11/2020; Poem)
Rain on Kolkata's chest —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--11/2020; Poem)
Kolkata, at dawn —by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--11/2020; Poem)

Narasingha P. Sil
Devotio Humana: Rabindranath's Love Poems Revisited (RT--2/2005; Essay)
Rabindranath and World-Life (Rabindranath O Bishwajiban)—by Niharranjan Ray (RT--8/2007; Essay)
Tagore the Pilgrim, Poet, and Philosopher--a Book Review (RT--5/2014; Bookreview)
Rabindra Miscellany(*) (An 'e-book' that includes 2 of the articles above) (RT--1/2015; e-Book)

Nilanjan Bhattacharya
Look at me —by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay (T--4/2008; Short Story)
Nishikanta in the Rain —by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay (T--4/2008; Short Story)

Nita Das
The one and only —by "Bonophul" (T--6/2012; Short Story)
God —by "Bonophul" (T--6/2012; Short Story)
Only Ten Rupees —by "Bonophul" (T--4/2013; Short Story)


Oindrila Mukherjee
Five Poems of Joy Goswami —by Joy Goswami (T--4/2004; Poems)
Warm Rice or Just a Ghost Story —by Sunil Gangopadhyay (T--7/2011; Short Story)


Palash Baran Pal
A Funny Story —by "Bonophul" (T--9/2004; Short Story)
The Parrot's Tale —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--12/2004; Short Story)
The Wrong Heaven —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--12/2004; Short Story)
The room on the third floor —by Ramanath Ray (T--6/2011; Short Story)
Hero and Heroine —by Ramanath Ray (T--6/2011; Short Story)
There's no enemy any more —by Ramanath Ray (T--7/2011; Short Story)
Einstein and Indubala —by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--10/2014; Short Story)
Nehru and God —by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--1/2016; Short Story)
Fake Calcutta —by Ramanath Ray (T--1/2016; Short Story)
Dreamworld —by Ramanath Ray (T--1/2016; Short Story)
Two birds —by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--7/2020; Poem)
Uselessly —by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--7/2020; Poem)
Click here for Palash's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Paulami Sengupta
A Coveted Life —by Mimi Radhakrishnan (T--4/2013; Short Story)
The Dancer —by Anjan Bandyopadhyay (T--7/2014; Short Story)

Pia Salter-Ghosh
Gupi Gyne Bagha Byne: The adventures of Gupi and Bagha —by Upendrakishore Raychaudhuri (T--11/2014; Dramatization)

Pracheta Gupta
The Pink Shirttranslated from original Bengali (T--11/2015; Short Story)
Chatstranslated from original Bengali (T--11/2015; Short Story)
Click here for Pracheta's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Prachi Deshpande
Straight from the Heart: Celebrating Lalon Phokir (T--12/2007; Drama Review)

Pradip Bhattacharya
The Third Dice Game —by "Parashuram" (T--4/2004; Short Story)

Pradipta Chatterji
Her Stories: 20th Century Bengali Women Writers— A Book Review(T--10/2015; Bookreview)

Prasenjit Gupta
A Wife’s Letter —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--1/2002; Short Story)
Ritual and Reform —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--5/2002; Short Story)
Bolai—by Rabindranath Tagore (T--9/2002; Short Story)
Grieving for Oneself—by Ashapurna Debi (T--2/2003; Short Story)
Things Recalled at Night—by Joy Goswami (T--2/2003; Poem)
Khichuri—by Sukumar Ray (T--3/2003; Poem)
Woodly Old Man—by Sukumar Ray (T--3/2003; Poem)
Mustache Thievery—by Sukumar Ray (T--3/2003; Poem)
Matchbox—by Ashapurna Debi (T--8/2003; Short Story)
Forbidden Openings—by Samaresh Basu (T--2/2004; Short Story)
Poems by Mohammad Rafiq: I—by Mohammad Rafiq (T--1/2005; Poems)
Poems by Mohammad Rafiq: II—by Mohammad Rafiq (T--8/2006; Poems)
Poems by Mohammad Rafiq: III—by Mohammad Rafiq (T--1/2009; Poems)
From Why do you whisper (Poem)—by Rabindranath Tagore (T--8/2010; Poem)
But you've set my life alight (Song) —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--8/2010; Song)
I'm tired (Song) —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--8/2010; Song)

Protima Pandey
Hindu Widow Marriage by Ishvarchandra Vidyasagar: A Book Review (T--10/2015; Bookreview)


Rajat Chanda
Selected Short Stories of Rabindranath Tagore (T--2/2001; Bookreview)
Click here for Rajat's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Ramanath Roy
Hero and Heroinetranslated from original Bengali (T--06/2011; Short Story)
The Room on the Third Floortranslated from original Bengali (T--06/2011; Short Story)
There's No Enemy Any Moretranslated from original Bengali (T--06/2011; Short Story)
Fake Calcuttatranslated from original Bengali (T--01/2016; Short Story)
Dreamworld translated from original Bengali (T--01/2016; Short Story)

Ranjan Mukherjee
verbal Jugglery—by Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay (T--05/2016; Short Story)


Sagaree Sengupta
Bengali Songs to the Goddess Kali (*) (T--2/2001; Essay)

Sahana Ghosh
Method—by Abhijit Sen (T--1/2004; Short Story)

Sanjukta Das
In Memoriam: Meenakshi Mukherjee (T--12/2009; Obit)

Sanjukta Dasgupta
Fantasy, Fiction, Fact: Magic and Realism in Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay’s The Ghost of Gosain Bagan (T--8/2008; Bookreview)

Shakti Chattopadhyay
Shakti Chattopadhyay Section
(contains articles in both Bengali and English (including translation) on and by Shakti Chattopadhyay)

Sankha Ghosh
The Storm of Desiretranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2001; Poem)
Fool translated from original Bengali (T--05/2001; Poem)
Four Poems from Panjore DanRer Shabda ('Oars in My Ribs') translated from original Bengali (T--05/2001; Poem)
White Tombstones translated from original Bengali (T--05/2001; Poem)
At the Bendtranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2001; Poem)
The Holytranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2001; Poem)
Alonetranslated from original Bengali (T--10/2011; Poem)
Just this onetranslated from original Bengali (T--10/2011; Poem)
Click here for Sankha's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Saurav Bhattacharya
The Judge—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Short Story)
Moni Doctor—story by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--2/2015; Short Story)

Shabnam Nadiya
Water Bird (Oliullah tried his whole life to become a poet)—by Khaled Hossain (T--1/2007; Poem)
A Forest-Born Poem —by Khaled Hossain (T--1/2007; Poem)
Dawn of the Waning Moon —by Jharna Rahman (T--12/2007; Short Story)
Moirom Doesn’t Know What Rape is —by Selina Hossain (T--4/2011; Short Story)

Shailesh Parekh
A Poet's Dream: Discovery of Tagore Texts (RT--5/2003; Poem)

Sheila Sengupta
Ephemeral (*)—by Sunil Gangopadhyay (T--2/2001; Poem)
A Truth Bound Sentiment (*)—by Sunil Gangopadhyay (T--2/2001; Poem)

Shobha Rao
To Attain You, Oh Freedom The Best Poems of Shamsur Rahman (T--1/2007; Bookreview)

Shoili Pal
The Suitcase Switch—by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (T--9/2017; Short Story)

Sibnarayan Ray
Selected Poems of Buddhadeva Bose (T--12/2003; Bookreview)

Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay
Look at Metranslated from original Bengali (T--04/2008; Short Story)
Nishikanta in the Raintranslated from original Bengali (T--04/2008; Short Story)
Forest Goddess and Five Pigeonstranslated from original Bengali (T--01-09/2014; Sci-Fi Novel)
When Bholu Became Kingtranslated from original Bengali (T--07-10/2015; Novel for Young Adults)
Sati's Remainstranslated from original Bengali (T--12/1-15--; Novel)
Verbal Jugglerytranslated from original Bengali (T--12/2016; Short story)
We Will Meet Againtranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2016; Short Story)

Skye Lavin
Six Poems of Joy Goswami— with Joy Goswami (T--9/2004; Poems)
If You Must Ask Me — with Joy Goswami (T--8/2005; Poem)

Sol Arguello Scriba
Rabindranath Tagore at the University of Costa Rica (RT--7/2001; Essay)

Somdatta Mandal
Lalu (1)—by Saratchandra Chattopadhyay (T--5/2006; Short Story)
Lalu (2)—by Saratchandra Chattopadhyay (T--5/2006; Short Story)
Lalu (3)—by Saratchandra Chattopadhyay (T--5/2006; Short Story)
Wanderlust: Travels of the Tagore Family—by Various (T--5/2013; Travels)
Click here for Somdatta's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Somjit Dutt
A Foreign Shine and Assumed Gestures: The Ersatz Tagore of the West (RT--7/2001; Essay)
Our Ray of the 70's and 80's (RT--11/2002; Essay)
Click here for Somjit's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Sovon Sanyal
Universalism of Tagore: The Specificities of Portuguese Reception (RT--5/2009; Essay)
A brief note on three Portuguese translations of Tagore’s poem Where the mind is without fear (RT--5/2010; Essay)
A Casa e O Mundo: Telo de Mascarenhas’s Translation of Ghare Baire (RT--5/2012; Essay)
Click here for Sovon's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Sreejata Guha
The Substitute—by Narendranath Mitra (T--12/2003; Short Story)
Show Business—by Narendranath Mitra (T--12/2003; Short Story)
Kolkata's Elektra (A Play in Three Acts)—by Buddhadeva Bose (BB--11/2009; Drama)
F is for Fail —by Rabindranath Tagore (T--11/2010; Short Story)

Sudeshna Kar Barua
Tiger-Savant Long-Tail (Byaghracharya Brihallangul)—by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay (T--3/2009; Satire)

Sudipto Chatterjee
His play knows no end…(Song)—by Lalon Phokir (T--12/2007; Poem)
Everyone wonders, "What's Lalon faith?"…(Song)—by Lalon Phokir (T--12/2007; Poem)
The unknown Bird in the cage...(Song)—by Lalon Phokir (T--12/2007; Poem)
In memoriam: Carol Salomon (1948-2009)(T--2009; Obit.)
Click here for Sudipto's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Sujit Mukherjee
Excerpts from The Book of Yudhisthir (*)—by Buddhadeva Bose (T--5/2001; Nonfiction)
Your Films, Our Pride (*) (SR--10/2004; Memoir)

Sukhendu Dev
Tagore’s Message On Religion: What does it mean to me? (RT--5/2010; Essay)

Sumana Das Sur
Two Women Writers of the Bengali Diaspora: Ketaki Kushari Dyson and Dilara Hashem(T--3/2011; Essay)
Click here for Sumana's Bengali writings in Parabaas.

Sumanta Banerjee
Naxalism--Views from the other side (T--6/2007; Bookreview)

Sumanta K. Bhowmick
“I see by the light of death thy world”: A Study of the Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore and Emily Dickinson (T--8/2009; Essay)

Sunil Kumar Nandi
Landtranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2002; Poem)
A Strange Farcetranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2002; Poem)
Notranslated from original Bengali (T--05/2002; Poem)

Susan Chacko
Kingdoms, Cats and Crypts : Back to the Classics (T--2/2001; Bookreview)
Outcastes and Oppression (T--11/2001; Bookreview)
Divergent Rays (T--2/2003; Bookreview)
From the Hooghly to the Seine (T--8/2003; Bookreview)

Sutapa Chaudhuri
Shuorani’s Wish—by Rabindranath Tagore(RT--8/2013; Short Story)
The Prince—by Rabindranath Tagore(RT--8/2013; Short Story)
The Fairy's Identity—by Rabindranath Tagore(RT--8/2013; Short Story)
The Surrogate Wife (Badli joaner bibi)—by Abhijit Sen (T--11/2014; Short Story)
The Witch (Dain)—by Abhijit Sen (T--10/2015; Short Story)
Jarasandha—by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--5/2017; Poem)
Fate—by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--5/2017; Poem)
The Returned—by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--5/2017; Poem)
Abani, are you home?—by Shakti Chattopadhyay (SC--5/2017; Poem)

Swapna Dev
The Mango Belle—by Paritosh Sen (T--11/2008; Short Story)

Swapan Kumar Banerjee
The Story of a Muslim Woman (A draft)—by Rabindranath Tagore (RT--8/2010; Short Story)


Tan Chung
Valuable Glimpses of the Tagore Legacy (RT--9/2009; Bookreview)

Tapati Gupta
Of Man and Bolster—by Swapnamoy Chakravarty (*) (T--11/2001; Short Story)
Eight Legs Sixteen Knees—by Swapnamoy Chakravarty (*) (T--11/2001; Short Story)
The Night of the Full Moon—by Gautam Sengupta (*) (T--11/2001; Short Story)
The Invisible Man Beckons—by Samaresh Basu (T--12/2005; Short Story)

Tilottama Majumdar
Saltytranslated from original Bengali (T--07/2012; Short Story)
Imperfecttranslated from original Bengali (T--07/2012; Short Story)
Click here for Tilottama's Bengali writings in Parabaas.


Uma Das Gupta
Red Oleanders (Raktakarabi) by Rabindranath Tagore: A New Translation and Adaptation (T--12/2008; Bookreview)
Rabindranath Tagore and His Contemporary Relevance (with Anandarup Ray)(RT--8/2009; Essay)
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) A Biographical Sketch (RT--2/2015; Essay)


Various (Vivien Cripps,)
Gallery of Tagore, Santiniketan, and related archival photographs and other documents (T--2/2016; Photographs)


William Radice
Tagore's Poetic Greatness (RT--5/2003; Essay)
Gazing at the Sun: Bangladeshi Poets and Rabindranath Tagore (RT--9/2003; Essay)
Reflections on Clinton B. Seely's Translation of Meghanad-badh Kabya (T--9/2004; Essay)


Zinia Mitra
Sukumar Ray, Master of Science and Nonsense (T--5/2005; Essay)
Sur-Prize—by Sukumar Ray (T--5/2005; Poem)
Jatin and His Sandals—by Sukumar Ray (T--7/2005; Short Story)
The Kheer Doll—by Abanindranath Tagore (T--3/2016; Children's Tale)