• Parabaas
    Parabaas : পরবাস : বাংলা ভাষা, সাহিত্য ও সংস্কৃতি
  • পরবাস | Translation | Essay
  • Selections from Santiniketan : In the Morning [prabhaate - Santiniketan Vol I] : Rabindranath Tagore
    translated from Bengali to English by Jyoti Prakash Datta , Edited by Nandan Datta

    At this hour of the morning when the day is pure and serene, let us perceive that our soul is enveloped by the Great Soul; there is no intervening distance between us. Let us enter into and be absorbed in Him. Let us be fulfilled with the sense of having been accepted into this state of intimacy with Him.

    Without this integration we are not acquainted with our own true selves. We succumb to the error of considering ourselves small and weak. The greatness of achievements by men and women born in human society have proved that this is not true - and we know for certain that every one of us are the inheritors, in spirit, of that legacy from them. The lighted wick of a candle gives light which is of the entire candle itself. The portion, even at the very bottom, also possesses the same power to burn, and when the time comes, will itself burn for the candle to emit light.

    Each morning, through our worship, may we clearly realise the sublimity of the human spirit which marks our potential for the Divine. May we be freed from the prejudice that we are doomed to be miserable and wretched in our own human condition. We have lived for far too long with the stock notion that we belong for good only to that corner of the home where we had our birth. Let us forever grow out of this niggardly perception about our own potential, into a new confidence of having been born into the Universe in its entirety, the Universe which has been exchanging messages of radiance with us through the unknown aeons of its existence. And hence I am to realise that my soul is not restricted within the narrow confines of its own ego - it has been forever free to grow outside of its self into the limitless world of the Spirit. We have not come into this world to be slaves of others but with the right to be our true selves - a right given to us by God Himself. Therefore, it is for us to always remember this right at its highest and not go about in the world with heads hung low in submission.

    Just as darkness of the night had disappeared like a figment of our imagination as the day dawned a little while ago, may our minds become free from all false notions about our own place in the Universe. May we, like the rising Sun, fill the boundless sky of our universal consciousness with the aura of our own souls.

    This realisation will then illumine the world through our actions.

    Published in Parabaas April 15, 2004.
  • Introduction | In the morning | Night | Three Storeys | The All Pervading Presence | The Abode That Ever Abides Within | Stregth at Work | Seeing the Truth | Creation | The One Commandment
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