• Parabaas
    Parabaas : পরবাস : বাংলা ভাষা, সাহিত্য ও সংস্কৃতি
  • পরবাস | Translations | Essay
  • I'm Leaving You Now, Shyama by Rabindranath Tagore : Rabindranath Tagore
    translated from Bengali to English by

    I'm Leaving You Now, Shyama by Rabindranath Tagore

    I'm Leaving You Now, Shyama*

    Rabindranath Tagore

    Shyama, I'm leaving you now.

    I was only tricked into calling you "Mother."

    You are the stone-hearted daughter

    of the stony mountain god.

    By your magic, you made me

    hard-hearted too - until now.

    Today I see the face of my real mother

    and melt into tears, Mother!

    I'm not beguiled by black anymore,

    now that light has charmed me.

    You had me deceived,

    and now I've deceived you.

    I've recovered from your spell,

    and I go to the lap of my mother, Mother!

    * Shyama is another name for Kali, meaning "The Dark One." In Tagore's
    dance-drama Balmiki-pratibha [The Genius of Valmiki], Valmiki, the
    legendary sage and "first poet" of the Indian tradition, is portrayed as a
    Kali-worshiping bandit who comes to eschew violence and shifts his
    allegiance to Sarasvati, the goddess of poetry and music. This song is
    Valmiki's famous farewell to Kali from the work.

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